Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm bloggifying!

Everybody starts out their first blog with "Well folks, I'm not sure how much I'm going to use this thing, but let's give it a try..."

Ok, that should do it then! So now that I've typed that, I should be good then... right?

World's shortest blog. Ever.

Nah, not my style.

I have been staring at this screen for a long time while my children run in and out of the room to show off the latest 'fashions' they are concocting, wondering what to write about.
Thinking... thinking... thinking...
Taking breaks to take photos of each creation...
Then back to more thinking. What could be blog-worthy?? And then I realized while I am staring at this screen, my blog is unfolding right in front of me. All I need to do is document it :)

Let me start by saying... these kids are incredible. As all children are, of course! But I find myself amazed as I watch them freely choose and act on what makes them happy. Sure, we have a guy's guy... born with the natural ability to make a perfect car, gun or bomb noise... to turn any object into some form of weaponry, and to tackle anything that dares cross his path. And a little girl... princess at heart (and mind)... constantly singing... CONSTANTLY talking... loves dancing... and equipped with all the mind games any girl could dream up. Yet that girl still loves to play cars, Star Wars, ball, and will start wrestling her brother (or anybody else in arm's reach) at the drop of a hat. And that boy will play house, have tea parties, DOMINATE in a game of Pretty Pretty Princess and shower anybody he cares about with snuggles and I love you's.

And yes... even play fashion coordinator for his diva sister.
I asked the kids to play in their bedroom. I heard all kinds of giggles. And then Max comes out and announces to me that he dressed his sister... and BOY was he proud:

 Little did I know this was only the beginning:

And then he started to give her a little creative control. But just a little:

And then a little more:

And then he gave her total control of her accessories:

And she abused said accessory control:

And suddenly, it starts to make sense:

Max's enthusiasm for his sister's fashion risks involved his own hidden motive:

When God gives you a sister... fairy wings, wands and heels are the doorway into the REALLY cool costumes and games.

Every day I learn something new about my kids that amazes me and breaks my previous perceptions of who we are. Today's lesson? Brooke's not the only one who can dominate in the mind games department :)